Neil Candelora

Who IS this guy?

Neil Candelora is an accomplished musician known for his exceptional talents across various areas of the music industry including performing, recording, and creating musical content.

As a young adult, Neil began to portray Paul McCartney regularly for Audiences all around the world. Being a natural Left Handed bass and guitar player, he was musically well suited for the role. Over the years Neil has played with The Fab Four, Let It Be, Classical Mystery Tour, 1964 The Tribute, Liverpool Legends, Beatlemania Now, All You Need Is Love and many more.

During his time off from performing he Co-founded Seven Levels Studios, where he honed his producing/arranging, engineering, mixing and mastering skills.

It is here that Neil also became the lead singer, guitarist and songwriter for the popular Chicago rock band The Ivorys. As well as becoming the head audio engineer, musical director and bassist for the popular Beatles Youtube channel Ably House.

When it comes to recording and production, Neils focus is combining musical, sonic, and stylistic qualities for a finished product that stands on its own.